Tonight I noticed a certain habit that one of my friends has apparently acquired. I was actually quite shocked when I found out, and I didn't really know how to handle it. Not only did I not expect it of the person, but I was surprised that they were doing said habit so openly on our Christian campus. Maybe the second part shouldn't surprise me so deeply. But it did. And it brought up some scars.
I now find myself back at the point where I feel as if I need to say something to said friend. And I'm not sure how. I feel that I've built a reasonable level of respect to "confront" said person with the situation. I just don't want to come off as condescending or attacking. I don't want to be the SGA member looking down. I don't want to be the person who thinks he knows what he's talking about and butts into other people's business.
I just want to be a friend. I want it to be obvious that my action is out of love, out of deep caring.
I'm scared as hell that I might lose another friend.
your entries are so vague.
i don't know whether i like that or not.
ryc: i miss you too, friend.
perhaps you should do as you suggested.
or come see a quiz or something.
It is true that your entries are vague, but I imagine that's intentional, so it's probably good.
I'll keep you in thought and prayer.
And I want to let you know, if you notice something in my life that is detrimental to myself or others, please feel confident in calling me out. For real.
I don't know about 'said person.' But I hope God teaches you and gives you courage in love and the courage of love.
ryc: i hate when that happens. like the whole "i guess i could see it happening but i didn't really expect it" thing. yeah.
so i hope this situation is better right now, because it's probably not the funnest to deal with.
and i'm praying for ya, as always.
In the long run, people have more respect for the bad guy than they do for the ostrich.
so... what have you done about it?
Definitely talk to others about advice they might have.
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