Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wishing my life away...

I legitimately hate a few of my classes this semester.

Previously if I was struggling/frustrated with a class, I at least enjoyed the learning portion, but I just thought the tests were ridiculous. This semester I have 3 classes that I can't stand- I feel like two of them are a waste of my time and in the third I have to deal with a professor who constantly seems to be making sarcastic, condescending remarks to us, but I can never fully tell because the entire thing is in Spanish. 


I think I've said that I want this semester to be over just about every day for the past few weeks.

And then I have times, such as right now, when I reflect on such statements. Do I really want to wish away the next 5 weeks of my life? What would that mean...

That would mean five fewer weeks of enjoying the awesome school I'm at, where I get to be surrounded by awesome God-followers who care about me and my well-being. That would mean 32 (I can do math, it's just that we're already part way through this week) fewer days of time to create new relationships and strengthen the ones I've already begun to develop. It would mean thousands of fewer opportunities to show Christ's love and to see it present in my life through others.

I'm a junior now. I've got 3-4 semesters left here...that's for another blog altogether. But I'm realizing how quickly this all will be coming to an end. Do I really want it to come that much more quickly? 

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