Friday, May 15, 2009

A Higher Standard

Somehow I've created in my mind a scenario where sin only matters if others know about it.

A situation in which I require others to meet the external standard at which I live...which I believe is fairly high.

However, I hypocritically allow myself to live at a much lower internal standard. Though others know not of my sin, it exists. And yet, I still judge.

I wonder then: am I so frustrated by the sins of others because I genuinely care for them or because it allows me to elevate myself above them?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What about now?

It's really difficult sometimes to live in the present.

Last week, I was elected student body present for the 2009-2010 school year. It's an incredibly exciting opportunity, one that I am definitely blessed to have. I really think I have a chance to create some challenge on our campus and express the voice of varied groups of people. I keep thinking about the different things that I want to do.

At the same time, I'm a bit scared out of my mind. My overactive my considers all possible scenarios- including the bad ones. What if I suck as president? What if I do a crappy job of leading and representing the student body? What if I can't get anything done that I said I wanted to?

And then I remember: this year isn't over yet.

I still have two months left in this year.

What am I going to do NOW?

That is now my challenge. To live in the present. To focus on what I can do each and every day to better myself, to be an influence on friends, to improve this campus. One day at a time. Trying to affect the future now is only going to have a negative effect on my present life.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Oh, Nazareth.

Love hurts. 

Or, at least it can.

It can hurt in all forms. At every level of relationship. I suppose if it didn't, it wouldn't truly be love.

Love is the ultimate in high risk, high reward phenomena.