Friday, May 15, 2009

A Higher Standard

Somehow I've created in my mind a scenario where sin only matters if others know about it.

A situation in which I require others to meet the external standard at which I live...which I believe is fairly high.

However, I hypocritically allow myself to live at a much lower internal standard. Though others know not of my sin, it exists. And yet, I still judge.

I wonder then: am I so frustrated by the sins of others because I genuinely care for them or because it allows me to elevate myself above them?


KMcC. said...

I would tell you how terrible that sounds, but I'm sure you know. And I hope it's not the latter, because that wouldn't be the Robert I've known for the past however many years. Keep your head up, kid.

Brian Miller said...

So does the new blog mean this one is done for?