Sunday, November 23, 2008

The shy, little kid...

I come across a lot of the time as a really outgoing, happy-go-lucky guy. Between giving tours for admissions, singing in chapel, dressing up ridiculously for basketball games, and my position on SGA, I spend a lot of time putting myself out in front of people.

Most of the time, I feel like the little boy who used to run behind his mom's dress to hide whenever people would try to talk to me.


Ashley Nicole said...

I know exactly how you feel. I'm so use to putting up a front and seem like this happy-go-lucky girl. I'm learning to act like the person I am and not worry so much about what people think of me. I'm glad you wrote this because it's very courageous to express those feelings.

jenesis torralba said...

you probably would have been really interesting to know as a little kid.


Anonymous said...

Happy blog, please.

Bennett said...

When I was about four I had the bad habit of rather than hiding behind my mom's skirt, I would hide in it...while she was wearing it. This would usually be at church and my mom would usually get embarrassed. Poor mom. I was just a shy kid.