Thursday, May 15, 2008

Out of the same mouth...

"Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing; my brothers, this should not be..."

I've been pondering the concept of cursing a lot lately. It seems to have become a lot more socially acceptable and liberally used than I ever really remember. Culture defines language- the meaning of words, what words are acceptable, etc. Following that line of thought, I suppose it's possible that the forbidden four-letter words perhaps aren't quite as terrible as they once were.

I suppose my biggest concern with language, as with many questionable things, is how it looks to non-Christians. I guess I feel in many ways that it's another one of those Romans 14 issues; it's not necessarily wrong, BUT.

We need to be conscious of how the things we do and say affect others. Are we really in the world and not of the world? Do we look different? Are our words overshadowing Christ within us?


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